Men’s Health

Don’t go untreated.

Getting answers about your health is important. At Men’s Health Chicago, you can talk openly with your provider about personal issues because our providers are male and understand.

There’s no reason to be embarrassed about your problems. We can effectively treat a wide variety of male issues, including Low Testosterone, weight gain, feeling down, and sexually transmitted diseases. Many physicians and providers are not aware of or are not well versed in the treatment options, so patients have been either under-treated, over-treated or not treated at all.

Prostate Health


Hypogonadism (Low Testosterone)

In order to qualify for testosterone replacement therapy the patient must be diagnosed with hypogonadism, through a specific physical exam, documented patient history of symptoms and qualifying blood test. Male hypogonadism is defined as the failure of the testes to produce androgen, sperm, or both. Although the disorder is exceedingly common, its exact prevalence is uncertain.

Male hypogonadism is caused by a primary (hypergonadotropic) testicular disorder or is secondary (hypo- or normogonadotropic) to hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction.

Symptoms common in hypogonadism:

  • Unexplained Lack of Energy
  • Increased Stress Level
  • Unexplained Weight Gain
  • Sad or Grumpy Moods
  • Increase Abdominal Fat
  • Loss of Muscle Mass
  • Declining Physical Performance
  • Falling Asleep Soon After Dinner
  • Decreased Drive/Motivation
  • Deteriorating Work Performance/Mental Fogginess
  • Decreased Libido

Safety and Efficacy of Testosterone Replacement Therapy

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